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Mission and Vision Statement

Mission Statement  
The Franklin Early Childhood Center is a place for great beginnings. Our educational approach is guided by our knowledge that the formative years of early childhood are vitally important. Our professional and highly motivated staff recognizes and respects that each child has his or her own unique needs, interests and passions. High expectations for success are encouraged through developmentally appropriate instruction which allows for these individual differences. In an engaging environment, students have the opportunity to explore their world by asking questions, solving problems and by expressing their ideas through critical thinking and creativity. We excel at providing opportunities for all children to learn together. This supportive and welcoming atmosphere is fostered by our active partnership with parents, our commitment to professional learning and our careful selection of curriculum. Our dedication to the well-being of our students and their families exemplifies our belief in the importance of community and citizenship.      
Vision Statement   
We at the Franklin Early Childhood Center believe;
  • All children can learn given the appropriate tools and support 
  • Children learn best in a safe, caring environment which inspires intellectual and emotional growth
  • Families and community involvement are vital to academic success
  • All children can become contributing members of their community and good citizens of the world